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One of my favorite appetizers in Italian cuisine is bruschetta - toasted slices of bread with different toppings. The most standard option that you have probably tried is bruschetta with tomatoes and herbs (oregano or basil).

When friends were supposed to come to our next dinner, I wanted to cook different bruschettas not only with standard, but also with unusual toppings. By chance, on the Italian Internet, I stumbled upon an interesting recipe for bruschetta with strawberries, cooked it, and the guests really liked it! So the recipe is approved by Italians.

Given the success of this recipe, I decided to share it with you.

You will need (for 5 bruschettas):

  • 5 slices of bread

  • ricotta about 150 g

  • a few basil leaves

  • a few large strawberries

  • liquid honey

  • olive oil

Slices of bread should be sprinkled with olive oil and put in the oven on baking paper to brown a little (do not overdry). White or light grey bread, not sour, it is better to take high-quality bread from the bakery, one that has a crispy crust and fairly large holes. Then cool the bread and spread a layer of ricotta cheese, put sliced ​​strawberries and basil on top, then pour liquid honey on top of bruschetta (about a teaspoon per 1 piece).

It turns out a light and fragrant bruschetta with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Very simple and delicious!

How do you like the recipe? Will you try to do it?


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